Monthly Enhancements

ClosedOctober Enhancements

InterAction+™ for Microsoft 365 will now check for duplicate records in the InterAction database when you add a new contact in Microsoft Outlook. Refer to Adding a New Contact to learn more.
Add Contact page for LNCloud InterAction+.  The first name is Andy and the last name is Newguy.  The Email Address is  There is a yellow popup that states a contact with this email address already exists.

ClosedJuly Enhancements

The Add Contact field now includes a drop-down field for Business Location. You can specify the office location by picking from the selections that have been entered in CIM (Client Insight Module).

ClosedJanuary Enhancements

The Preferred Business Activity Types can now be set globally in the Firm Settings to be pushed to all users.

ClosedOctober Enhancements

Click > Sign Out to securely sign out of IA 365.

ClosedSeptember Enhancements

  • New Add to buttons make it easier to recognize the opportunity to share and add contacts in InterAction+.
    • Click Add to Firm to share a personal contact with your firm.
    • Click Add to My Contacts to add a firm contact to your contact list.