Working with Lists

Click Lists button to see sub-tabs for Working Lists and Marketing Lists. The Marketing Lists is owned by the Marketing Department and show how the firm markets. The Working Lists is for anyone who has access to InterAction+ and shows a group of people associated together for any project. If the contact is not linked to either list, a message displays "This contact is not assigned to any lists."

For each list type, you will see any list that the contact is on, including:

  • The name of the list
  • The type, if a marketing list
  • Whether you are sponsoring the contact

Administrators have appropriate rights and can add the contact to a list, remove the contact from a list, or sponsor the contact on a list. If you do not have rights, you will not see these options.

If the contact is already on a list, you can click the extended menu on the right side of the list to see the options available:

If you remove a contact whom you have sponsored from a Marketing List, the contact's sponsorship is also removed.


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